Book a call

A Letter From Jonah and Albright

Back in 2020, I had a brilliant idea for an app but couldn’t code to save my life.

Desperate for help, I posted on LinkedIn.

Hundreds of DMs flooded in from agencies and freelancers. 

After responding to over 300 people and interviewing over 50, I had no clue who was just trying to sell me and who was actually good.

It was a total shit show but I had to pick someone, so I painstakingly chose an agency in India, handed over $50k of savings, and hoped they would do a good job.

They did not.

I wish I could tell you that it was that careless, but it wasn’t.

For two years I fought against their C+ work, delayed timelines, and poor communication.

I was running out of money fast and knew there had to be a better way.

Late one night, I noticed a friend of mine from college (Albright) report a bug in the app, so I jumped to give him a call.

He answered and I couldn’t believe what he said next.

He wanted to come on board and fix everything that was broken for free.

It made no sense, but who was I to turn it down.

A few months later we shipped a new (working) MVP and raised millions of dollars from top VCs.

And that leads us to where we are now…

Every month, Albright and I choose a limited number of founders we want to work with at Takeout Studio.

It’s everything I wished I had when I first started – fast response times, best-in-class engineering talent, and top of the line product execution.

Unlike most product studios, we still operate other top venture-backed companies, giving us insider knowledge that gives your startup its unfair advantage.

And we deliver fast... like ordering takeout.

While you can't steal Albright from me, you can book a call to see if we're the right fit.

We’ll keep the oven on for you.

– Jonah and Albright